May, June and July are the months chosen for afternoon tea parties in the garden. Invitations are conveyed by cards similar to those used for evening receptions: "Mrs. J. at home" with the names of the invitees written at the top, and "Tuesday May tenth four to seven", below.
It is courteous
It is unnecessary to answer one of there cards unless it is certain that the invitation cannot be accepted, when it is courteous to intimate the fact. Although the hour named is from four to seven, it is very seldon that any one appears before half-past four.
Iced tea
You may decide to offer iced tea and this would make a refreshing change.
The lady's maid
Tea, coffee and ices, are at the end of the table, generally presided over by the lady's maid. Waiters are engaged for the other portion of the table, where there are sandwiches, rolls filled with lobster salad, cakes, buns, fruit, claret and champagne-cup.
Sometimes these afternoon entertainments are diversified by amateur music, the grand piano being generally placed in the centre of the back drawing-room. Of course when there are professional singers the entertainment assumes the importance of a concert, chairs are placed in rows on the lawn. As for an evening concert, music is put in the corner of the cards, and programmes are provided, and distributed by the servants.
The next day
After an afternoon party, as after any other, cards should be left the next day, or as soon as is possible, and whether the party has been attended or not. If at the last moment it is found impossible to attend, it os courteous to leave a note: "Mr. and Mrs. P. and the Misses P. regret that they were unavoidably prevented having the pleasure of waiting on Mrs. B.".
Ricordate questo post? Be' quanto avete appena letto è sempre estratto da lì. Mentre i rose biscuits provengono da "Tea at Fortnum and Mason". Un librino che è un capolavoro...
Ingredienti per 20 biscotti
- 100 g di burro morbido
- 50 g di zucchero di canna chiaro
- 1 cucchiaio di acqua di rose
- 100 g di farina "00"
- 50 g di mandorle in polvere
- 15 g di petali di rosa cristallizzati
Riscalda il forno a 180° gradi.
Lavora il burro, lo zucchero e l'acqua di rose fino ad ottenere una crema. Aggiungi la farina, le mandorle in polvere e i petali di rosa fatti a pezzettini piccoli. Mescola il tutto fino ad ottenere un impasto omogeneo Prendi un cucchiaino di impasto, mettilo nelle mani e forma una pallina. Schiaccia leggermente la pallina e posizionala su una teglia ricoperta di carta forno. Procedi così fino ad esaurimento dell'impasto.
Inforna e cuoci per circa 15 fino a che saranno dorati.